Skaka, Saudi Arabia - SPA
Al-Jouf International Olive Festival Kicks Off with Vibrant Performances

The 18th Al-Jouf International Olive Festival, a ten-day celebration, commenced today in Sakaka with a diverse array of activities.

 The festival's opening day captivated visitors with a Spanish performance, featuring vibrant music, graceful dances, and traditional costumes. This international showcase is just one of many cultural performances planned throughout the festival, adding a global dimension to the event.

 Saudi folk arts also took center stage, with Al-Jouf Samri performance captivating the audience. This unique blend of sung poetry, beautiful melodies, and expressive performance art showcased the region's rich cultural heritage.

 The Olive Kitchen within the festival grounds offered a delightful culinary experience, showcasing the diverse flavors of Al-Jouf's cuisine.

 The festival also features a series of exciting competitions and offers enticing prizes, further enhancing the enthusiasm of the crowd.

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